Digital Media Specialist
From 2011-2017, I gained extensive experience in directing live broadcast sporting events and recorded events, as well as reporting. In addition, I honed my skills in video editing by creating compelling clips for gaming channels using Adobe Premiere. Please find below a collection of some of my notable works.
NovaPulse Advertisement
PLA @48 New MakerSpace promo
The Chiropractic and Wellness Center (and sister location, Indianapolis Pain and Wellness Center) wanted to bring awareness to a new technology their office is utilizing to help with arthritis pain and disk degeneration.
Promoting Phalen Leadership Academies @ School 48's brand new MakerSpace to gain interest in the after school STEM program.
Iowa Cubs' Baez and Alcantra double play
Double play shot captured by Alyssa Childress during an Iowa Cubs home game. This shot is now used in the Iowa Cubs' opening video.